I’ve been sooo busy lately, which is why you folks haven’t seen any updates from me. Anywhoos, I took these around two weeks ago. My friends GF wanted some shots of her and her two friends that are graduating this year so we hopped in a car Monday morning and headed out to Austin. I haven’t been to Austin in sooo long but it’s so awesome over there. We first headed over to Mayfield Park and then some mountain that I forgot the name of. Everything went great, weather was perfect, although it started to rain the moment we finished up. Right before leaving, my friend Alex told me of a place that has the most unhealthy sandwich so naturally I just had to try it. It was filled with mozzarella sticks, bacon, eggs, chicken, fries, mayo, and ketchup. It’s basically a heart attach inside of a sandwich, but an oh-so-good one.
Enjoy the photos and stay tuned for some engagement pics that I’ll be shooting today (:
I kept hearing stories that those big blue “chickens” at the park were mean, but I was kind of disappointed when I went up to one, it looked at me, and then walked away.
and the sandwich I was talking about.. that I’ll be getting again every time I go back to Austin
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