It’s almost 8AM, and I’m just now finishing up a previous wedding I continued at 10pm along with this engagement session right after. I’m always in the editing type mood in the wee hours of the morning, it always makes clients think I’m an early bird when I reply to their emails at 7AM when in fact I’m just getting ready to go to sleep (:
These two are obviously just complete love birds. I met with them a whole year + several months before their wedding date. I thought it was nuts that they were booking so early, but it all makes sense now as I’ve had at least 4-5 people in the past month inquire about dates that aren’t available. We went to an art museum for this shoot near an art school by the Hermann Park area, then shortly after wards to Hermann Park. The weather didn’t want to cooperate that day since it was completely cloudy the entire shoot and then it started to drizzle. I figured, no big deal, we got most of the shots we needed, up until the point where Anna busted out some props she had brought with her. I’m a huge sucker for props, and certainly couldn’t let them go to waste like that. Thankfully my super awesome assistant recommended we go to a yogurt spot near by to get a few more photos, and in the end, everything ended up working out great (:
The people working at the register actually let us use one of Anna and Raymonds friends that came along to the shoot as a cashier (:
Sometimes my assistant grabs my camera and snaps away so I figured I’d include some of those this time around. I look too excited to be holding that balloon
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