John and I met almost 5 years ago, actually, it’s been over 5 years now. John, like myself, is a hardcore automotive enthusiast. He’s guided me and steered me in the right direction over these past years by suggesting top quality aftermarket car parts to me, finding deals and peer pressuring me into buying stuff I can’t afford, and then even employing me for a couple years. He always likes to claim that I am where I am today in the photography business because of him. Maybe it’s because I’ve photographed his cars numerous times which allowed me to get a bunch of practice, who knows, but when he asked me to shoot his engagement and wedding I thought “Oh jeez, not again.. (jk).”
Steph and John made the shoot all sorts of fun by bringing tons of props. It makes everything so much more entertaining and allows me to get a bit more creative with everything. We shot most of these in the Downtown/Montrose area; a nice change from Wortham Theater or random fields of grass. I actually made a quick website for them as well, you can view it @ Special thanks to Josephine from for the help during the shoot! Enjoy the pics, and stay tuned for some wedding coverage from last week (:
I decided to get a little bit more creative with the ring shot. I shot this on a pebble inside their house (:
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